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We know that you are looking for a solution that will allow you to: reduce liability, reduce costs, protect people and assets, and protect your organization’s brand.

All while using a technology that will be: objective, actionable, repeatable, and scalable.

Realistically, who can really use 10, 50, or hundreds of narrative reports to communicate or analyze the complex aspects of risk management to make proper decisions? Truly technology and a database/analytical approach is necessary to aggregate and analyze the tremendous amounts of data captured during the assessment process.

We currently use the following factors to help you analyze risk at your locations:

Inherent Risk Score™

The risk of a scenario, such as an active shooter or earthquake, is intrinsic to a specific site. These are temporal and spatial factors that are based on the probability that the scenario may occur and the severity if that even were to occur. This score is dynamic and may change over time due to internal or external factors, such as increased crime rates, or a decrease in internal theft.

Control Effectiveness Score™

This is based on the compliant countermeasures that are used to reduce the probability and/or severity of a risk scenario. These countermeasures can be physical items such as cameras, access controls, or walls, to plans, procedures, and processes.

Residual Risk Score™

Is the calculated score based on the Inherent Risk Score™ minus the Effective Control Score™ to which is the remaining risk of such a scenario occurring. To reduce the Residual Risk Score™, the objective is to implement or comply with Effective Controls™.

Here’s how we can improve your risk analysis process to meet your overall objectives.

Consistently and Actively Monitoring

A key insight in any risk management process is to know why risk is increasing or decreasing at a location. You will be able to Actively Monitor Your Risk Landscape™ within your organization by using our solutions:

Dynamic Threat and Impact Assessments™ Calculating Dynamic Inherent Risk Scores™

  • Assess the probability and severity associated with either threat, hazard, or compliance scenarios.
  • Receive an inherent risk score for each individual facility based on the factors identified and create a threshold value that your organization sets for each scenario.
  • Rank each location and prioritize what locations need to be assessed first.

Dynamic Risk Analysis Dashboard™ (coming soon)

  • Create customized dashboards based on the data you need to assess risk on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.
  • Analyze aggregate data from all your locations to get a holistic view of risk for your organization.
  • Use visualizations to better understand trends, comparisons, and opportunities to remediate.
  • Communicate risk to stakeholders for better budgeting and decision making

Assessment Due Dates and Reminders

  • Develop a schedule to stay on top of compliance or to maintain your risk culture.
  • Set the start and due date for each assessment to inform assessors of the time frame the assessment needs to be completed in.
  • Send automatic reminders to assessment owners to make sure that assessments are completed on schedule.
Dynamic Threat and Impact Assessments™

Ranking Dashboard and Prioritization

Assessment Due Dates and Reminders

Manage Risk of Unlimited Scenarios

To manage all of the various risks an organization can be exposed to, you will need an assessment tool that creates questions sets for hazards, threats, and compliance standards. Then you need to perform these assessments regularly to maintain best practices and compliance.

Visual Vulnerability, Compliance, and Inventory Assessments™

Question Set Development to Assess Multiple Scenarios

  • Assess any type of scenarios from compliance, to threats, to hazards.
  • Use regulatory standards to create questions sets to conduct compliance assessments at all your locations.
  • Use best practices to create questions sets to conduct vulnerability assessments at all your locations.
  • Create hybrid and custom assessments based on your own unique organizational needs and local ordinances.
  • Conduct inventory of assets and countermeasures and create customizable properties to capture the most critical variables such as: make, model, serial number, cost to replace, etc.

Our inspection process is broken down into an Inspection Questionnaire and a Physical Inspection.

Inspection Questionnaire

  • Create customizable questionnaire questions.
  • Provide comments, including supplemental information such as photos and files.
  • Send the questionnaire to be answered in advance by a point of contact even before the physical inspection begins.

Physical Inspection

  • Create customizable physical inspection questions.
  • Conduct assessments using floor plans or maps for a highly visual inspection of vulnerability or compliance items.
  • Use photos to validate the deficiencies observed during your inspection.
  • Easily place countermeasures and assets on the floor plan using your mobile device.
  • Assess the different states of item from compliant, deficient, and needed.
  • Add supplemental details such descriptions, photos, recommendations, and quantity.

Inventory Assessments

  • Inventory all vital assets at each location.
  • Inventory the countermeasures protecting vital assets.
  • Create customizable fields and properties for the inventory of items such as: make, model, serial number, value, life expectancy, etc.
  • View all your assessments in a single dashboard for better insight and actions.

Assessment Dashboard

  • View all scheduled, open, and complete assessments along with a roll up of the total deficiencies in each assessment.
  • View each deficiency individually and understand what areas are the most and least critical to your organization.
  • Based on the deficiencies found in the assessment, the platform will determine a Control Percentage with a comprehensive criticality breakdown from least to most critical.
Inspection Questionnaire

Physical Inspection Questionnaire

Optimize Risk Strategies

Comprehensive scenario dashboards provide the means to optimize your remediation efforts and decision making from a single platform. The Circadian Risk platform consists of scenario dashboards divided into 3 scenario types: Hazard, Compliance, and Threat. Within each dashboard, a user can easily see the average residual risk scores from the information provided for each scenario.

Actionable Risk Analysis Dashboards™ (coming soon)

Customizable Aggregate Data, Reporting Charts, and Tables

  • Access to comprehensive tables regarding inherent risk scores, residual risk score distribution, regional distributions, and deficiency distributions, if applicable, to give you a full view of the components of each scenario.
  • Scenario Based Risk Scoring allows for thorough risk analysis for optimizations based on the scenario, i.e. active shooter detection would not be helpful in detecting fires.

Risk Optimization Calculator™ (coming soon)

  • Quickly make better decisions based on key metrics that are important to any risk decision such as budget, time, overall risk impact.
  • Understand the relative relationship between each proposed remediation.
  • Communicate with decision makers and finance departments more effectively.

Global Filters Panel (coming soon)

  • Use filters to obtain a better understanding of trend and risk, such as, assessment type, scenario type, Inherent Risk Score™, Residual Risk Score™, locations, items, etc.
  • Answer key questions by using filters to go from aggregate organizational data to specific data.

Customizable Aggregate Data, Reporting Charts, and Tables

Risk Optimization Calculator

Remediation Tracking and Communicate Risk

Corrective Action Plans and Strategies™

In the Corrective Action Plan and Strategies™ (CAPS) dashboard, you will be able to see all of the deficiencies that are available in your organization, and how those are broken down by criticality. The provided graphs and pie charts offer a closer look at the costs associated with the remediation of the deficiencies. Filters can be set for each column of data in the CAPS so that users can analyze the data how they want.

The CAPS Dashboard™ allows users to conduct an in-depth item investigation. With the ability to see the compliant and deficient items to each associated item type, users can prioritize the most critical deficiencies.

Options for Consideration

  • Create Options for Consideration for each deficiency for decision makers.
  • Use an approved equipment list to create custom Options for Consideration that will be used for each assessment.

Deficiency Dashboard & Tasks

  • Identify each deficiency from the assessments conducted to prioritize and take action on.
  • Create tasks by adding recommendations, cost, due dates, assignees, etc. and follow the remediation of deficiencies from assessment to completion.
  • Create visualizations and pivot tables from your data to show trends, compare locations, deficiencies, vulnerabilities, etc.

Narrative Reports (coming September 2021)

  • Create custom narrative reports and executive summaries for each assessment.
  • Provide detailed narratives from the assessor’s view.
  • Use the data visualizations to communicate the location issues more clearly.
  • Floor plans and maps with the deficient items provide a highly visual representation of vulnerabilities for the point of contact.
  • Create templates to reuse as you conduct different assessments at new locations or for distinct scenarios.
Corrective Action Plans and Strategies™

Deficiency Dashboard

Deficiency Tasks

Advanced Permissions

Circadian Risk allows for users to have unique permissions to locations and assessments, so you never have to worry that someone is seeing data that they shouldn’t have access to.

Single Sign On

Have a large organization with a lot of users, no problem...we allow for single sign on to make user management easier.

Device Agnostic & Mobile Friendly

You can use any type of device to access our software and we are mobile friendly for you field assessors.

Location Details, Properties & Organization Hierarchy

Within the platform, users are able to customize location hierarchy to reflect their own organization in their respective geographical areas. The platform holds all the details of your regions, campuses, buildings, and even floors — upload pictures and relevant files, add address information, and fill out additional properties such as employee population and square footage to better identify the information needed about your building.

Easy to use

Whether you are a Skipper type or a Professor type we make it easy for you to transition from the traditional paper based assessment model to our technology.

File and Document Uploads

Do you want to make sure that all of your plans and procedures are in one place, we got you covered.


Worried that someone may change a response and you don’t know about it? With our integrated history of all responses, you will be able to identify what the original response is and if, when, and who changes the response.

Objective Questions

Objective questions allow for a better analysis of your risk data so you can compare apples-to-apples.

Online/Offline Capability (coming soon)

If WIFI or cellular data is unavailable, and you still want to use technology to perform your assessments, our tool will allow you to work offline to complete your assessment and once at a secure internet connection, you will be able to sync all your data back to the server.

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