
Federal Buildings: Make ISC Risk Management Quick and Easy

March 21, 2018 | 4 min read
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After the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, President Clinton created the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) to address security for federal facilities. Before that, there were no minimum physical security standards for non-military federal facilities.

The upside is that every federal facility, from Level I to Level V, has a standardized risk management process to enhance the quality and effectiveness of physical security at that building. The downside is that the risk management process is 108 pages long.

As long as you’re required to do risk assessments, why not make them as easy and accurate as possible? Paper-based threat and vulnerability assessments take days, or even weeks, and all you get is a dense report you can barely use. But with Circadian Risk software, you can reduce reporting time by as much as 80% and boost results with visual analysis.

Circadian Risk automates your most onerous reporting tasks and generates actionable reports in just seconds. You’ll save time, reduce errors, and streamline your operations. Here are a few of the ways Circadian Risk gives you more value from your risk assessments.

Make Compliance Requirements Easier

Too many security professionals produce risk and vulnerability reports without detailed corrective actions, thinking they did a complete job. But you can’t meet compliance requirements unless you have detailed corrective actions that empower you to fix what’s wrong.

With Circadian Risk software, the data you enter during the inspection is automatically converted into an easy-to-read, interactive, and highly visual report. Detailed corrective action plans are automatically generated, based on the data you enter into the system.

Circadian Risk makes it easy to meet compliance requirements without getting overwhelmed. Assign individuals specific, clearly defined tasks that are easy to understand. Corrective actions list the problem, the recommendation, who’s responsible for it, and a due date. You’ll be surprised how quick and easy it is to stay compliant.

Combine Multiple Assessments in One Report

What if you could analyze threat and vulnerability data from hundreds of facilities in a single report—instantly? Better yet, what if you had access to detailed information about every single issue at every single facility, in a visual dashboard that you could use to manage follow-up efforts?

With traditional paper-based vulnerability assessments, you can’t aggregate data from more than a few sites. If you’ve got multiple facilities, the task quickly becomes impossible. How do you document every broken lock and every burned-out lightbulb? How do you describe the location of each camera that isn’t working?

If you’re using Circadian Risk’s vulnerability software tool, it can be a reality. Circadian Risk’s assessment tool lets you perform an aggregate report of all your facilities to identify common problems. You can filter by region, type of facility, equipment—you name it.

Comprehensive Analysis Dashboards

Let’s be honest—you’re probably not using the paper-based reports that come out of your threat and vulnerability assessments. You need a comprehensive report with detailed corrective actions, but it’s got to be easy to read and use.

One of the problems with paper-based reporting is that it can take a lot of words to describe a problem, or even the location of a problem. That drops the usefulness of the report, because it takes too much work to get just a little information out of the report. Multiply that by every issue you document, and it’s no wonder most risk assessments just get tossed into a file folder.

But when you have a highly visual report, you can communicate a wealth of information with just a single image. Every report should be loaded with visual information—including embedded photo documentation of each issue, and floor plan-based geolocation if possible.

Circadian Risk’s digital technology can generate reports that provide a deeper understanding. Interactive visual data makes it easy to see your greatest issues at a glance so you can easily prioritize your corrective actions. Dense, lifeless paper-based reports can’t do that.

Faster Interviewing

The onsite interview is the most invasive part of the security inspection process for facility managers. Not only does it take them away from their core work for hours at a time, but they have to answer questions that probe into areas they’re not comfortable talking about.

Use the latest digital technology to reduce the time it takes to do the risk assessment interview. Instead of conducting the whole interview in person, send out an online questionnaire in advance. Rather than having to endure a long, stressful question-and-answer session, the facility manager can reply to questions at their own pace, when it’s convenient for them.

Fast, Frequent Assessments

Don't just do assessments at the minimum frequency. When it comes to risk, 3-5 years is a lifetime. Risk isn’t static—it changes daily. You could have a working door today and tomorrow the lock is broken. A single broken tile could be a slip risk and a potential lawsuit. Thousands of new scenarios play out every day, so it doesn’t take long for your risk profile to change, and change dramatically.

How often do you need a risk assessment? At Circadian Risk, we recommend that many Federal organizations analyze their risk on a weekly basis.

Circadian Risk makes it easy to do weekly risk assessments. The risk and vulnerability software generates automatic reports from the data you capture during your inspection. There’s virtually no writing to do, and you can cut your report time by 80%.

Speedy Risk Assessments You Can Actually Use

Risk assessments may be required by the ISC, but that doesn’t mean they have to be long, painful, and pointless. With Circadian Risk assessment software, you can streamline your risk assessments and boost the value you get from them.

See firsthand how it works—schedule a personalized demo today.

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