News Round Up | Risk

August 2018 – Top News in the Risk and Vulnerability Industry

August 30, 2018 | 2 min read
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There’s a lot going on in the world of physical risk and vulnerability, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the latest news and developments. We’ll keep you informed with the best content to keep your business growing.

Check out the top news and headlines from the past month—including must-read details on preparing for hurricane season, keeping up with national security events, and blending physical and cybersecurity for true risk reduction.

How to Build a Strong Contingency Plan for Hurricane Season

Via Construction Business Owner. Hurricane season is now underway. 2017 was a particularly destructive hurricane season, because it was the time on record that two Category 4 hurricanes hit the continental United States in the same season. We don’t know what lies ahead for 2018, but September is typically an active hurricane month. Follow these tips to prepare your facilities for the next storm.

Our take: This article is written for construction businesses, but it provides important information that every facilities manager should pay attention to, no matter what industry you’re in. Use this article to help you keep your building—and your people—safe.

GSX: What’s in Store at the Event Formerly Known as ASIS

Via Security Sales & Integration. ASIS International will host its rebranded Global Security Exchange in Las Vegas, Sept. 23-27. Here’s an overview of everything you can expect at this year’s convention—from the education agenda to networking events and more.

Our take: GSX is the premier event for security professionals worldwide. The conference offers industry-leading education, business connections, and the latest trends and technologies in security solutions. If you’re not attending GSX this year, you’re missing out on huge opportunities to improve your business. Related: check out our guide for getting the most out of a professional convention.

Google: Security Keys Neutralized Employee Phishing

Via Krebs on Security. Not one of Google’s 85,000 employees has been successfully phished on their work-related accounts in the past 18 months. In early 2017, Google began requiring all employees to use physical security keys in place of passwords and one-time codes. Find out how and why these physical security keys work.

Our take: This is a terrific example of using physical security methods to protect your company from cyberattack. More and more, IT security and physical security are overlapping. If your facilities aren’t using both aspects of security to provide complete protection, your information and your physical assets are at risk.

How Is Physical and Logical Security Converging?

Via The convergence of physical and logical security has been gaining traction ever since the introduction of network-enabled security devices. That’s old news, but what’s surprising is that organizations and their systems integrators often continue to consider the two as entirely distinct entities.

Our take: Cyberattacks are making big headlines, but organizations are paying less attention to physical security. The irony is, there is no cybersecurity without physical security—and vice versa. When organizations treat cybersecurity and physical security like they’re separate things, it’s like barring all your windows but leaving your front door wide open. To make your company truly secure, you need a cyber-physical approach that addresses both forms of threats.

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