
March 28, 2018 – Top News in the Risk and Vulnerability Industry

March 28, 2018 | 2 min read
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There’s a lot going on in the world of physical risk and vulnerability, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the latest news and developments. We’ll keep you informed with the best content to keep your business growing.

Check out the top news and headlines from the past month—including must-read details on ISC West events, guidelines for weapons in the workplace, and how collecting data can boost your business. Plus, industry training dates and other events.

The Insider’s List to ISC West’s Exclusive Gatherings

Via Security Sales & Integration. If you’re going to ISC West this year, there’s a lot more to do than simply attending workshops and seminars. Many of the vendors at ISC West hold special events, receptions and mixers. Most of them are invitation-only, but you can find some great events to attend even without an invitation. Check out this list of events before you leave for the conference.

Weapons in the Workplace

Via Security Management. There is no U.S. federal law regulating guns or other weapons at private workplaces, but many state legislatures have taken up the issue. At the same time, workplace shootings have become increasingly common in the United States over the last few decades. It’s not just a school issue.

Having guns on the job has tremendous implications when you’re assessing your clients’ threats and risks. Take a look at this important article to get a better handle on the issue.

How Access Controlled Revolving Doors Can Protect Businesses From Crime

Via Security Informed. It’s a top priority for your clients to keep their entrances and exits secure. If an attacker can’t enter the building, they can’t do as much damage. Revolving doors may be a key part of building security. Electronic technology can make manual revolving doors more capable than ever before to save lives or buy time to alert security staff. Find out how standard revolving doors can be a simple, cost-effective way to help prevent unwanted entry.

How Doing Extensive Industry Research Can Benefit Your Company

Via Security Sales & Integration. If you’ve followed Circadian Risk for any length of time, you know that we’re big on data. Without real, objective data, you can’t accurately assess risk or do any kind of benchmarking. Here’s the story of Greg Coury, a highly successful security consultant who gets just how important it is to collect data. His customers know he collects data like crazy, and they come to him with more business opportunities as a result. This is a must-read for any security consultant.

BlackBerry Jarvis: Game Changing Cybersecurity Tool for OEM (Videos)

Via American Security Today. If you’re an Iron Man fan, you might like this bit of news. A modern car has more than 100 million lines of software. For connected and autonomous vehicles, that’s more than 100 million opportunities for a cyberattack. But BlackBerry has just unveiled BlackBerry Jarvis, a transformational software cybersecurity product, to help identify weak points and prevent cyberattacks. The application can go beyond vehicles to healthcare, aerospace and defense industries. Check out the details here.


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