News Round Up | Risk

July 2019 – Top News in the Security and Risk Industry

July 16, 2019 | 3 min read
June security news

There’s a lot going on in the world of physical risk and vulnerability; it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the latest news and developments. We’ll keep you informed with the best content to keep your organization safe and secure. Check out the top news and headlines from the past month.

Vector Security Acquires ADS Security to Grow Subscriber Base to 400K

From Security Sales: Pittsburgh-based Vector Security completed a deal to acquire ADS Security of Nashville, Tenn., at the start of June. Collectively, both companies will have close to $20 million in recurring monthly revenue and a customer base of nearly 400,000 subscribers.

Our take: Guarding companies and other regional security firms are constantly competing against big national corporations. In many cases, the best way for these small-to-midsized security firms to grow and stay competitive is through mergers and acquisitions. This can be good for customers — companies that have recently merged may offer more comprehensive services. There are also cons: if there’s not a good structure during the merger, your guard service can be weakened if guards don’t know who to report to. The key is to make sure you ask plenty of questions about how a merger or acquisition will affect you: Will your rates change? Will your contract change? Will there be enhanced training for guards? Will the guards get better pay and benefits? (This is important because a happy guard is a better guard.)

SDS Deploys Active Shooter Detection System in Texas Movie Chain Venues

From Security Sales & Integration: — A Texas movie theater company has installed a gunshot detection system in its chain of multi-cinema movie theaters. The solution, which uses sensors to discern the difference between real gunshots and onscreen ones, will alert building occupants and law enforcement to shooting incidents in the facilities.

Our take: Since 2012, the Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting has been a baseline of concern for security consultants trying to prevent the next active shooter incident. While it makes sense to know exactly when a shooting is happening, the most important security measures keep a shooter out of the theater. Covert systems like Patriot One Technologies’ Patscan System, can detect hidden guns. Proper access control is important as well, such as locks on theater exit doors and prop detection sensors.

Seven Topics to Consider Before Arming Your School Staff or Faculty

Via Security Magazine: This past May, Florida signed a bill into law that permits the arming of teachers and staff in counties where the Sheriff, at his or her discretion, chooses to establish a Guardian Program. The law goes into effect in October 2019.

Our take: While teachers who are exclusively in the classroom are not eligible for the Florida Guardian program unless they are trained law enforcement or military personnel, there still can be concerns about guns in the hands of school personnel, such as administrators and support staff. Even the most talented hobbyist is not trained to handle firearms in stressful situations, and adrenaline may cause people to make mistakes. There’s also the concern of storage. Where will Guardians keep firearms when they’re not wearing them? And what happens during routine, stressful confrontations that happen every day between students and adults? There have been incidents with accidental discharges and misuse of weapons by civilians. Answering these questions and looking into the risks are very important when considering this type of solution.

Physical security at risk as cyberattacks target vulnerable systems

From Security Infowatch: Earlier this year,The Pyramid Hotel group suffered a cyberattack that compromised their hotels’ physical security. A growing number of similar attacks are threatening the vulnerabilities of network-centric physical security systems.

Our take: Thanks to the Internet of Things, physical security and cybersecurity are increasingly tied together. This means that a breach online might any “smart” item your business relies on: door locks, thermostats, cameras and other systems can be exposed to hackers. This means that people without access to your facility might be given a door code for example, or that criminals are looking through your security cameras. Make sure the products you buy are protected and regularly updated and patched to prevent attack. Speak with a cyber expert if you have any concerns if an internet based device might jeopardize your facility or company.

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