News Round Up | Risk

October 2019 – Top News in the Security and Risk Industry

October 24, 2019 | 3 min read
October 2019 news

There’s a lot going on in the world of physical risk and vulnerability; it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the latest news and developments. We’ll keep you informed with the best content to keep your organization safe and secure. Check out the top news and headlines from the past month.

Video Monitoring in the Sights of Guard Companies and Their Clients

From Security Magazine: Security officer services companies and the clients who employ them are trying their best to keep on top of quickly evolving video monitoring technology. They want to figure out on a continuous basis how video monitoring can help keep their businesses secure, particularly in remote locations or at odd times of the week when a lone worker – or no human at all – is on patrol. For example, to monitor lone-worker security officers and assure clients they are making their appointed rounds as promised, United Security, Inc., has employed a technology called Trackforce that places poker-sized chips strategically throughout a building, with an app loaded onto a smartphone that “communicates” with those chips.

Our take: Our clients often ask us how they can improve the performance of their security officers. While many officers do their jobs to the best of their ability, sometimes those concerns are justified; we’ve seen a few guards who’ve gone to great lengths to avoid making their rounds. Using cameras and tracking technology is a good step — not only does it keep security guards honest. It also keeps a lone guard safe.

Percepto To Address Impact Of Drone Technology On Airport Security At ACI EUROPE Security Summit 2019

From Security Informed: Percepto, a global market expert for autonomous industrial drone solutions, will change the perception that drones are the enemy of the airport, at the ACI EUROPE Security Summit, which is being hosted in Tel Aviv, Israel, from 17th – 19th September 2019. In a presentation entitled ‘Drones in Airports Friends or Foes?’ Percepto will address how the latest innovations in drone technology can improve airport safety, security, and operations.

Our take: Drones are an exciting new technology that can either work for security firms or against them. While drones are certainly not the enemy, it is important that airports and other organizations take the risks posed by drones into account, and perhaps employ their own drones (or anti-drone technology) to protect their assets from hostile drones.

Physical Security, Employee Negligence Still Poses Breach Risk

From Healthcare IT Security: Managers often overlook physical security when considering the risks of data breaches, which includes a lack of strong policies, education, and disposal of paper documents, according to a report from Shred-It and Ponemon Institute. The report found that 67 percent of healthcare managers are not confident that their organization can govern the use, protection, and disposal of paper records.

Our take: Often, when we think of data breaches, our minds run to cybercrime, hackers, and online mistakes that expose organizations to cyber risk. The physical security of sensitive records is often overlooked. It’s important for organizations to lock down sensitive records and put policies in place to govern their safe and secure disposal.

The Global Security Market to Grow $100 billion by 2025

From MarketWatch: According to verified market research, the global physical security market, valued at $85.58 billion in 2017, is projected to reach $184.01 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 10.1% from 2018 to 2025.

Our take: It’s no surprise that the physical security market is going to boom in the next five surprise — this is a great time for our industry. Why? The understanding of risk and upgrades in technology. The trend is that enterprise companies are proactively looking to reduce risk. This a dynamic cultural change for companies. For years, the only advances in physical security technology were camera-related. Now, thanks to advances in technology, the security industry has an array of technology at its fingertips, including drones, artificial intelligence, and software that automates tasks that used to be done manually. As security professionals start to put these innovations to use, we’ll likely see more growth in our sector.

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