News Round Up | Risk

June 2018 –Top News in the Risk and Vulnerability Industry

June 28, 2018 | 3 min read
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There’s a lot going on in the world of physical risk and vulnerability, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the latest news and developments. We’ll keep you informed with the best content to keep your business growing.

Check out the top news and headlines from the past month—including must-read details on hazard prevention, running a better business and preparing for an active shooter scenario.

TX Chemical Plant Failed to Take Precautions Despite Warnings (Video)

Via American Security Today. Results have been released from an investigation into the fire on August 31, 2017 at the Arkema chemical plant in Crosby, Texas. Hurricane Harvey brought a record amount of rainfall, which caused equipment to flood and fail. As a result, stored chemicals decomposed and burned, creating the fire. The report reveals that proper planning could have prevented the fire.

Our take. Your company may not be in a hurricane region, but natural disasters occur in every state. It’s on you to be prepared for every potential natural disaster. If you’re only doing risk assessments at one time of year, you’re going to miss significant hazards. For example, a risk assessment in summer won’t identify the hazards to your facility during a blizzard. Chances are, a springtime assessment will overlook the risks during a drought. Remember, you need to plan for the worse case scenario, and hope it never happens.

5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid for Reducing Security Project Failures

Via Security Sales & Integration. In the security industry, project managers must be able to juggle complex situations and issues, while also staying on top of the latest advances in technology. You’ve got to understand the expectations of all the players in the project, and be involved in budgeting, client management, herding cats—you name it. It’s a critical role with several pitfalls you need to be able to navigate. This article walks you through the five most common pitfalls and gives you tips to avoid them.

Our take. As you build your security business, it’s tempting to focus on sales, assessments, and reporting. But smart project management is critical to the success of your security consulting company. The project manager is key to ensuring the success of each project, and can be the difference between a lifetime client and a one-and-done customer you never hear from again.

Active Shooters: An Evolving Threat Requires an Updated Solution

Via American Security Today. Active shooter incidents are increasing, and there is no reason to expect the trend to change anytime soon. But one thing that is likely to change is the evolution in the shootings themselves. Active shooter incidents are fluid and dynamic, but preventative solutions, and responses to the incidents, have remained largely unchanged since the mid-twentieth century.

There are currently two active-shooter models in widespread use: shelter-in-place (think Cold War bomb drills) and run-hide-fight. Each one has issues that the industry must address. This article gives an extensive look at both of the response models, and proposes a more dynamic solution.

Our take. A one-size-fits-all approach to building security ignores the myriad of unique factors that affect risk. Your facility’s floorplan alone sets it apart from other buildings—and what works elsewhere won’t necessarily make sense in your school or office.

Your risks and vulnerabilities will also determine your response to an attacker. By understanding where your risks and vulnerabilities are greatest, you may be able to mitigate them ahead of time through systems and processes. You can also build a more intelligent response plan that anticipates your needs during an event. It’s best to develop a security committee to evaluate your needs.

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